Gratitude, Amazing Grace, and Synchroncity

Gratitude, Amazing Grace, and Synchroncity

Last night I was feeling low about a few things—and was having a good inner talkin’ with myself.

While I believe in being positive and looking for the lesson in each challenge, I am human, and have my moments of own personal struggles.

At first I wasn’t being very nice and beating myself up internally for things I should have said or done, and didn’t.

But I know better that this won’t get me anywhere, yet, I needed to just be in that place for a while.

I decided to watch the replay of Super Soul Sunday from this past week in which Oprah interviewed Whintley Phipps, who is a minister and has the most beautiful singing voice.

His wisdom was what I needed to hear to stand in my truth and to forgive myself when I lose my way, just as I was feeling last night.

And out of the blue, Whintley burst out singing “Amazing Grace.” A song that never fails to bring tears to my eyes. What is it about that song that is so cleansing for the soul? I was grateful to hear him sing it and instantly felt uplifted.

This morning, after feeding the dogs, I went out to my Zen writing cottage to meditate for a few moments. I brought Gidget with me and thought perhaps she’d want to snuggle in her bed. But instead, she came over to the chair where I was getting ready to settle in. She was looking up at me as if she wanted to take in some meditation too.

I picked her up and she made herself comfortable next to me, where we sat in Zen for 15-minutes listening to some morning meditation music on Pandora.

I’d been meditating faithfully, but then stopped for awhile. But when I was done today I realized how I missed it and how much better I felt. I promised myself to build this back into my day again — even if on some days I can only fit in 5-minutes. It felt so good to be reminded of how it makes me feel better. I think perhaps Miss Gidget enjoyed it too.

After my meditation I read the days entry from a book I enjoy called “Journey to the Heart” by Melody Beattie.

And the passage for the day she talked about how the song “Amazing Grace” had been following her throughout her travels. But it was at one point along her traveling to different states when she heard the song yet again, thinking “Amazing Grace” was following her. But then she said,  that “No, grace had found me.”

And she wrote about how the power of gratitude never wanes and how we should say it when we believe it and when we don’t… and soon again you will hear the music too – “this song of grace will touch you with its haunting melody.”

And this I knew, that even though I was feeling down and out last night, I’d come back to the surface again and find my way back to joy. No one ever promised that the journey to your deepest hearts desires was going to be easy.

But hearing Whintley sing this soul moving song last night, then reading it in Melody’s book, then lunch with a friend who told me about a ritual she shares with her girls of a cheer they do each morning about being happy – and how sometimes even when we aren’t, we have to believe we will be again.

The synchronicity of how this all unfolded for me within less than a 24-hour span leaves me feeling grateful for how the universe does indeed support us if we allow ourselves to move through what we are feeling, and if we are willing to do the work to get to where we want to be.

Amazing, amazing grace….indeed.

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The Frankie Wheelchair Fund Helps 47th Dog with a Wheelchair

The Frankie Wheelchair Fund Helps 47th Dog with a  Wheelchair

This week being close to Thanksgiving, I wish to say a very grateful thank you to everyone who has made it possible for me to help paralyzed dogs with a wheelchair to give them the gift of mobility. I couldn’t do it without you and I’m so thankful for your generosity and help through the years donating to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

Meet Cricket! She is the 47th dog granted a wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

It still amazes me to this day how effortlessly many dogs take to their wheels and off they go, exploring and living life to the fullest.

Cricket is with Furever Dachshund Rescue when she will live out her life with Jo Anne and their permanent foster care program. She was brought to my attention by Sarah of The Smoothe Store. Sarah ran a campaign in conjunction with mine and National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day this past fall, to help raise awareness and raise funds. I’m so grateful to her and those who donated because of her efforts- thank you!

Keep on rolling, Cricket! If you’d like to donate to the care of Cricket who is on various medications and daily therapy you can do so via Furever Dachshund Rescue.

**Crickets wheelchair is custom-made by Eddie’s Wheels.

Stay tuned to meet Peewee and Canelo! Two more dogs recently granted wheelchairs through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

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Christmas is for the Birds

christmas is for the birds

It’s the coldest day of the season so far. But I felt the need to venture out into my backyard with two small grapevine wreaths, covered in suet and seed, that I purchased Friday at a local eclectic, vintage store called The Red Rooster.

Being a writer, I’m always thinking of my next blog post. I look forward to coming up with what I will write next.  As I hung the first bird seed wreath I thought, Christmas is for the birds.

I thought about the pressure that comes with the holidays and I which I sometimes have to work to not get caught up in it anymore.

Being in nature, as I was just then, was my reminder. I find myself at peace and centered when I’m honoring my heart impulses, the sky above me, and the ground below me as my foundation. And I thought about how animals don’t worry about all the silly things we humans do.

The birds will come and feast upon the wreath and take great delight in being their bird selves. They won’t feel like they need to rush out and get a gift for me because of the gift I provided them.

The fact that Christmas has become so much about consumerism and materialism and getting caught up in what we should do to fit in tugs sadly at my heart now and then.

But being outside today, connecting with the earth and all its beauty no matter which way I turned, this is what Christmas is about to me. It’s about connecting with Spirit, God, Source, Mother Earth and giving thanks for being a part of the vastness of it all.

It’s about honoring and respecting this precious time here. It’s about taking the time to remind ourselves about what’s important to us.

Many moons ago I used to get so caught up in making sure my house was decorated just so and I stressed myself out worrying about just the right gifts to get everyone. I never truly enjoyed the holidays because by the time they rolled around I was stressed and burnt out.

But I now do my best to honor what is right for me. Simplicity, being in nature, time with my animals and John, stillness and solitude.

And funny how when one does this, that then Christmas and the Spirit of it remains with us long into the New Year.

Gazing out my writing cottage window shall then serve as a reminder… that Christmas is indeed for the birds, our earth, all the animals…. and a mirror to which if we look will cast a magical spell onto our human hearts of what the Christmas Spirit is truly all about….Peace. Love. Joy.

christmas for the birds 2

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