Courage On My Altar

This is an altar in my bathroom. Normally I pull an oracle card each Sunday from The Wild Offering by Tosha Silver. It’s guidance for the week of which I’m reminded every time I have to sit for a few moments.

I love having these altars and reminders around my house as a way of keeping me grounded in what matters. But ever since the virus crisis began I’ve not changed out the card. This card just feels too fitting to let go of it quite yet.


“Divine courage is not the absence of fear but a nudge that says, “Keep going. Do it. Don’t worry. All will be well.” You have to get quiet enough to hear it. Dear Divine, may I feel your courage and Your will.”

We have all been tested to walk with our fear for quite a few weeks now. I appreciate this card as reminding us of our human spirit and the resilience we truly have within us if we face the fear and still continue to move forward, albeit with more deliberate thought and consideration.

It’s been my experience that in the quiet is when I’ve heard wisdom bubble to the surface that I needed at the time. Within those moments of stillness is when hope has shown itself to me and gave me the courage to take another step forward.

I’m reminding of how my mind can race to a conclusion because I don’t want to look at what is causing me fear or pain. And I’m reminded how this takes courage to stop the cycle because as a society we haven’t put enough value on slowing down and just being with what is in the moment. Not to mention we have been taught to run from those feelings.

But here we are, all discovering new courage within us as we’ve collectively had to slow down and listen, ponder and percolate in how we will move forward not only individually, but together as one.

I don’t know about you, but that feels so good in my bones and soul. And so it’s my wish that we all be blessed with this courage as we continue to learn to live in a new way.




Honoring the Nudge and the Leopard Speaks

I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been feeling the nudge to do some art journaling. But I kept ignoring it, thinking other things were more important.

But on Easter Sunday, which felt odd in one way, but also comforting in another, I finally sat down in my writing cottage and got my art supplies out.

I really didn’t know what I was going to do, but just began gathering images and colors to work with. Staring at the blank page of my sketchbook it reminded me of how sometimes as a writer I just sit and stare at the blank screen not knowing what to write, but knowing that I need to write something because I can feel that something needs to be expressed even though it may be hidden from me at the time.

And the photo above this is what came from my art journaling session. Sharing it with a friend, she was curious the meaning behind it. I told her that I didn’t yet know. But while brushing my teeth this morning it came to me.

Using the ‘I Am One Who’ prompt used in the SoulCollage® process and speaking from the image this is the insight that came to me:

I am one who will no longer be held in the shadows. I am strong and confident as I continue to walk through this new portal of empowerment.

You know who you are that tried to keep me small. But you were actually the catalyst to help me step into the light of my strength and say, “No more.” I know you see me and I believe in my heart you are cheering me on. You are my mirror and I am yours.

In many ways you gave me the wings to fly because it was the determination steeped deep within me from what caused me pain and suffering that finally gave me the courage to step forward and claim my power.

It just flowed right out of me. Thank you Leopard for this powerful message.



P.S. Thank you to the photographers for the beautiful images.

Come Join Me for Inspiration, Fun, and Giveaways During My Virtual Book Launch


Come join me during my virtual book launch to celebrate the release of my newest memoir: I’m Fine Just the Way I Am – Healing Emotional Pain through the Wisdom of Animals and Oracles

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

3pm cst/4pm est/1pm pst/2pm mst

We will celebrate and tap into the wisdom of animals, oracles, the value of our intuition, trusting in the process of life, and most importantly, that we are all worthy just as we are.

***I’ll be giving away a few surprises during the live event!!***

Here is the Zoom link to attend:

IMPORTANT and NEW to Zoom! PASSWORD to enter the call: 634358

**Please also be sure to also arrive a few moments early so you can be let into the ‘room’ as this is a new safety feature also.

(You’ll also need to first download to your device/laptop if you haven’t already.)


There is also still time to order my book and receive the bonus gifts (good till April 22, 2020). Learn more and order here.






Hope to see you at my book launch!

