On the Way to a Local Farm Stand Emotions Stirred

I’m surprised, not surprised, by the number of emotions that have been whirling through me of late. 

I’m by nature a sensitive creature, to begin with, and with all the unrest in our world today that has added to my feeling emotional even more. 

Earlier this week in my weekly oracle reading I shared how it came to me recently that our hearts must break in order to heal. And oh, how we resist that!  The card I pulled that expanded this notion of the heart needing to break was ‘Beautiful Uncaging’ from the Oracle of 7 Energies deck.

It was late yesterday afternoon I could no longer hold in a swirl of sadness and anger that had been coursing through me, that I finally let it out. Lucky for me, I have a husband who listens and is there for me to lean into. While at the same time my heart breaks for those that don’t have this in their life.

I ranted and I cried. Sometimes I couldn’t even speak clearly as I realized I was still trying to hold back the tears and I didn’t want to ‘ugly cry’ and I can still fight with being okay with feeling anger. But I also remembered how one day author Jon Katz shared a realization about his wife, Maria that the way she “talks,” especially when something really touches her or upsets her, is that she cries. He came to really appreciate that about her.

I mostly cried because it pains me to see the division in our world – the shaming and blaming that feels even more exasperated than ever – which in my opinion never gets us anywhere. I cried for those I see in anger and pain. I cried because I realized I’d drifted back into a state of fear of what “might be.” 

After crying and releasing what I had to say, I did feel better. And this is what is so important, to find those we can express all of what we need to say without fear of judgment. 

Before I drifted off to sleep, as I’ve been doing for quite a few months now I silently named five things I was grateful for during the day. And I also prayed for help getting through this time – for myself – and for all of us.

This morning as I drove to a nearby farm stand, which has become part of keeping me grounded because I love the beautiful drive and also it makes me feel good to support small businesses and to support my body with healthy food, I felt emotions stir again.

It’s the simplest things that are bringing me to tears. Like two people I know that I saw standing on the sidewalk, both out for a walk, that serendipitously met up and were chatting, and one with a dog at their side. Why did I feel this stirring of emotion within me? Because it was so beautiful to see two people not afraid to stop and chat – such a simple thing really – but something so many are living in fear of these days.

Driving back out around the gravel circle drive from the farm stand, my emotions stirred once again for the opportunity to have this sweet place to come to for fresh veggies. I thought about how hard they work, but also the fact it is their passion. 

It was a needed reflection for me too that I want to continue to strive to be who I authentically am, that I wish to live a simple life and to give back in a positive way whenever I can.

It was also another reminder for me to not resist who I am and that my nature is one of crying and emotions that course through me often that need to come out. And the breaking of my heart is what brings me back to remembering that I must feel it all in order to move forward.






Weekly Oracle Card Reading: Staying Connected to Our Hearts & Standing Proud

I realized afterward that the shirt I’m wearing actually matched the oracle card I got so excited about when I recorded this reading today. No coincidences!  🙂

This week the reading is a beautiful reminder of the way to the treasure within is staying connected to our hearts and our own internal power. And Elk and Turtle offer wisdom to help us do just that.

Watch video by clicking here or clicking on graphic below:

Enjoy and have a beautiful week!

If you find this reading helpful and/or inspirational and would like to support my work I welcome donations here (Thank you!)



Weekly Oracle Reading: Uncertainty is a Call to Clean it Up

Today’s reading I share how I came to appreciate and respect the vulture when before I’d look away because of my perceived notion that they were ‘ugly’ and their work ‘gross.’ It was at a wildlife center that I found compassion for them and through that, I found compassion for myself too.

This week’s reading is all about this space in-between our world is in right now and a call for what it is we each need to clean up to help bring us all to a better place.

So before I share the video of the reading…

Something I continue to work on (and clean up) is my relationship to money and that I’m worthy of receiving for the work I love to do.

It takes me about 4-6 hours each Monday to do the reading and then upload it here on my blog, to Youtube and Instagram. It’s something I truly enjoy doing because of my love of sharing the wisdom of animals and oracles and it’s my desire to bring these teachings to those that wish to learn more and find them beneficial.

I will continue to do these weekly readings for as long as I feel called to (and right now I don’t see an end in sight!) 🙂 But I’m also stepping out of my comfort zone in asking that if a particular reading resonates to consider leaving a donation now and then. I will continue to do the readings either way, so have no fear if this isn’t something you are able to do. You can still get them here or via my other social media channels.

So moving forward you will see a link within my post to leave a donation if you feel called to. Again, if you are unable to, no worries. I’ll still be offering the readings!

If you find this reading helpful and would like to support my work I welcome donations here. Thank you!

Have a beautiful week!

