Frog on the Window Brings Welcome Reminder Message

This morning when I woke I rolled over in bed and something on the window caught my eye. Upon closer inspection, I saw this teeny frog who was suction-cupped to the outside of the window.

Just the night before I attended an online class about the sacred agreements we hold with our pets and also with the animals in nature, so it was still at the forefront of my mind the reminder that animals in their own unique way are here supporting us.

I stopped to give thought to what had been on my mind when I awoke just a few moments earlier. Many of my thoughts worrisome ones, and I was frustrated to have let them enter into my mind the moment I had opened my eyes.

Ted Andrews’ book, “Animal Speak,” says of frog that their wisdom is “transformation through water and sound.”

The line that caught my eye in the description of frogs was, “Emotions are often associated with water. Individuals with frog totems are very sensitive to the emotional state of others…”

There was the wisdom for me and the thoughts that had been running through my mind that I’d been worrying about someone I care about.

This is something I became aware of about myself many years ago and have become much better at recognizing it so that it does not exhaust me. But there are times I forget. And here was this teeny, sweet frog with a reminder that I have to allow others to move through their own process. That it is not my responsibility to take what they may be struggling with or even my perceived idea of what I think they are feeling challenged by.

Frog reminded me that the song I choose to play inside my head is up to me. And with that, I was able to shift my thoughts to a more peaceful place after saying a little prayer for the one I was concerned about and then let it go and trust it would all work out.

Thank you little frog with the big message that helped me on my way for the day!



Weekly Oracle Reading: Choice and Boundaries

This was such an interesting combination of cards I pulled today. But what came from it was about relationships and how they each serve a purpose, whether short or long term, plus how sometimes we have to create boundaries and make choices if/when it is time to move on. Not always an easy thing to do sometimes!

I added the heart stone and totem to the photo as a reminder to have compassion for ourselves when something feels difficult and also to have compassion for others.

Click here to watch or click on the image above.

Enjoy and have a beautiful week!



Cards from: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and Divine Dog Wisdom Cards by Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher

I Belong to Me and Healing with the Trees

When I saw this magnet, “I Belong To Me” – which began as a collage piece made my artist Maria Wulf – I just knew I had to have it.

The moment I saw it I felt tingles run through my body. It resonated, and there was just so much symbolism in it for me. 

The hand on the heart, which literally happens for me and my hand flies up to rest on my chest when I just know in my bones that something is meant to be. Like the moment in February 2018, my friend and animal communicator Dawn said that perhaps the title of my next book, which my dog Gidget started off sharing during a reading, would be I’m Fine Just the Way I Am.  Along with the fact in 1999 I set the intention to follow my heart more.

And here I am all these years later so much stronger in my conviction of loving me just as I am. So no doubt that when I saw this artwork it touched that deep knowing space within me.

The image of the dog on the piece also significant too as dogs have been such an integral part of my healing journey as many of you know. And the butterfly in the upper right-hand corner, flying upside down, spoke to me that the path to healing is never in a straight line. Transformation can be messy, but so very worth it.

Also symbolic is the light, like a halo around the head of the woman, is a reminder to continue to trust in my intuition and follow its lead – and that it will never steer me wrong.

I Belong to Me feels especially poignant going through so much uncertainty in our world right now. But what I’ve come to understand even more that even if things might feel like they are being taken away, no one can ever take me away from me and the heart of who I am and what I believe in. That will always be mine. Always.

After I took the photo above with the magnet balancing in the branches of this wire and beaded tree my mom made me for my birthday (isn’t it pretty?!) it occurred to me the other magnet I have from Maria.

After retrieving it from my fridge, I placed it in the branches and especially loved how this one looks here and I’ve decided it will stay! This one is called Twin Healing Trees and is from a photo Maria took of herself between two trees in a wooded area near her home.

For this one, it was a reminder that sometimes we can make our everyday lives and our healing journey’s so complicated. When sometimes all we need to do is connect with nature and let her work her magic. I know I’ve felt this time and time again when I heed the call to get outside. Within moments I feel a positive shift within me, I’m able to gain clarity, and the space within me that felt blocked is able to open and expand.

So thanks to Maria and following her intuition that so often comes shining through in her art that continues to touch me in many beautiful ways.

You can learn more about Maria and her art on her website, Full Moon Fiber Art. It’s the first blog, at the end of my day that I read as I snuggle in at the end of my sofa or sit on my deck. Not only do I appreciate her art and her writing, but I adore the animals on her farm and her little yellow art studio. I think you will too!

