One Male Wren Seeking Home for Love of His Life.

Wren perched in hydrangea tree outside my studio

Allowing nature to take its course can take patience. This is how I’ve felt with this dear little wren who has stopped by a few times in the last week scouting out potential bird houses suitable for his female wren companion.

A few years ago I was giddy with excitement as I was able to observe on a daily basis a set of wrens who decided to raise a family right outside my Joyful Pause Cottage studio.

I delighted in their daily song. Admired the male’s protectiveness of the nest. Smiled at their persistence in building a nest working together to get tiny sticks they’d gathered inside the bird house opening. But then how often the stick would be crosswise over the hole and try as they might it would eventually fall to the ground. Though there were a few times they’d figure it out, manage to turn the stick around, and I’d silently be cheering them on. While I also got quite the chuckle out of how determined they are as I watched the male wren swoop down and strike the back of a chipmunk nearby as a warning to move along.

It is the male who seeks out not only one location, but several for an appropriate nesting area. It is only then that he brings his female mate to these potential sites. She has the final say of what feels like home to raise their little brood.

I can certainly relate to this as home means so much to me too! And it got me to thinking about some patience that is in order for me also around some things I’ve been pondering. So thank you, Wren, for the reminder.

So, fingers crossed, we will have a wren family in the neighborhood later this spring! And hopefully by then my patience will have paid off too!

UPDATE: Tuesday morning at 10:30 am –  Wren was hanging out and singing away on top this birdhouse!



Exploring Who You Really Are through Animal & Oracle Wisdom. Free Booklet.

The year 2024 is truly shaping up to be one where many of us are being called to explore how we wish to be in the world moving forward.

We might be pondering how others see us, how do we see ourselves, but most importantly, who are we really?

While it can feel frustrating and confusing at times, I believe if we can find quiet moments to just be with all we are feeling, answers will eventually bubble to the surface.

Perhaps some sadness too. But it’s a beautiful opportunity to honor it all.

In fact, I think it is vital.

I’ve certainly had my moments of swirls of emotion lately, followed by moments of clarity. Then moments of relief followed by moments of strength and trust that all will be well.

This brought me to remembering a fun exercise I heard on a podcast a few years ago. The woman being interviewed (wish I remembered who!) shared these three prompts:

  • How you want people to see you.
  • How people actually see you.
  • Who you really are.

Hint: the clue is to really be who you are! 🙂

As an insightful and fun exercise I added the element of pulling cards from an animal themed oracle deck and put this together in a free booklet I hope you will enjoy.

Animals have helped and guided me over the past 25 plus years to see aspects of myself I wanted to hide, while also showing me my strengths, and cheering me on that I can be who I’m truly meant to be!

As an example here is my card pull answering the prompts provided in the booklet and using the deck I created, Animal Reflections Healing Oracle.

The wonderful thing about doing this self-reflection exercise is that you can re-visit it once a year (or more!) and pull new cards because you are always changing and evolving.

I hope you will enjoy giving it a try. I know when I pulled Peacock as who I really am my heart burst with joy!

May you come home to the heart of who you really are too.

Click here for the free booklet.

If you’d like to learn more about my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck, click here.





April 2024 Animal Wisdom & Oracle Guidance Reading

Happy Spring, Friends!

I’m on the tail end of my seven week journey away from home. John and I traveled in our RV to Florida where we stayed for six weeks. We then ventured to Charleston, South Carolina for a few days and our last stop before we make our two day trek home, has been enjoying the Asheville, North Carolina area.

I realized today as I’ve been listening to different astrologers about the impending solar eclipse happening on Monday, is that I’d forgotten to post my oracle reading for this new moon/solar eclipse.

But perhaps it is perfect timing as we each contemplate this new beginning that the solar eclipse energies is offering us. What do we want to expand into as a collective and individually? I hope you find the reading helpful to guide you…

After winter months of cocooning it’s time to expand outwardly and sing your song!

The audio recording is below, along with a PDF and a photo of the cards pulled.

I welcome hearing your personal insights so feel free to leave a note in the comment section.


April 2024 Reading PDF

