A Day at Germanfest with Racing Wiener Dogs & Dressed Up Wieners. Oh My!

A very special thank you to Petra Theruich who chairs the Dachshund Derby and Dachshund Costume Contest every year, who gave us complimentary tickets to attend Germanfest this year.  It did my heart good to see all the wiener dogs, and I even got to pet a few.  Another special thank you to Father John who did the pet blessing and said a special blessing for Frankie…. which had me holding back the tears.

It is really hard to get pictures of those racing little wieners as they are awfully fast, but here is one good shot I got below. Along with many other shots of the other’s decked out in costumes.  During this particular race that I got a photo of, at one point the doxie’s were all in one big heap in the middle and one rolled over– it was too funny!  But have no fear, as no wiener’s were hurt in the race–  he rolled over just as fast as he was back on all four’s again and headed to the finish line.