A New Visitor to Our Backyard. Come See!

It was perfect last night in the low 70s for a fire in the chiminea. The humidity that had been upon us for quite some time, now gone, and a welcome relief.


It was so quiet and still in our backyard with just a wee hint of fall in the air. The geese have started their nightly routine of flying overhead from the field behind our house, like runners gearing up for a marathon. There was also a Sandhill Crane family that graced us with their presence as they glided above our heads, too.

The sun, high in the west during the early summer, now shifting further down on the horizon. All this life of nature around me is such a comfort and feels like a warm security blanket wrapping itself around me. And cue my favorite song  I play over and over as fall begins to gracefully ebb it’s way to us…and which I’m playing over and over as I write this to you today.

…And we had a new visitor last night. One we’d never had before… A hummingbird moth! They are one what they call one of natures incredible mimics. They are fascinating to watch and not so afraid as hummingbirds tend to be. He was a busy, fast, little fellow so I had a hard time capturing him through the lens. But here is what I got for you to see and enjoy along with me!

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If this photo would have been a wee bit clearer, I think it would have been a much better shot.

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Here you can see the little guy suckling up the nectar inside this petunia which is hanging over the end of my wrought iron dachshund that sits outside my writing cottage door. It looks to me like the doxie statue is enjoying our new friend, too!

The hummingbird moth stayed around for quite some time and if anyone would have taken a picture of John and I it would have surely shown two smiles grinning from ear to ear as we enjoyed each moment with our new visitor.

Such are these simple moments that make my heart expand that I give thanks for. And I do hope that our new friend will come again. But for now, here is a short video I found on Youtube that I thought you might enjoy of the miracle that is the hummingbird moth.

And a quick update on the second batch of baby Robins in the hydrangea tree right outside my writing cottage window…they have spread their wings and flown the nest. I was a bit melancholy  this morning when I went out to water and they weren’t there. But I noticed one of the branches of the tree had broken, so I cut the hydrangea blossoms hanging from the limb, placed them in a vase, and I’m enjoying them on my writing desk behind the photo of a woman I greatly admire for living by the beat of her own creative and meaningful drum, Tasha Tudor.

Both serve as a reminder of how nature is always changing around us, the lessons of living a creative and meaningful life, and that life marches on…and that I need to get on with it too.

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Happy Monday to you!

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