A Promise in Everything

A Promise in Everything

We are in for a cold snap again next week. Time to stack more wood in the living room for our wood burning stove. It’s not a task I particular like, but I love the reward of a glowing, cozy, warm fire on a chilly winters night.

Usually I stack the wood with bare hands. But today I remembered  a gift I got this Christmas. A gift that touched me because of the thought behind it. These leather gloves from my best friend, Sistah V. When I unwrapped them a few weeks ago, she said, “I thought you could use these when you help with the donkeys this spring.”

It meant so much to me because Sistah V knows how much this new volunteer role means to me and my love of donkeys. Something so simple that said so much.

And I realized today they’d come in handy for stacking wood. As I did so, I came across a log with a leaf still hanging on from the fall.

A reminder that there is a promise in everything. A promise that fall, my favorite season, will come again. And a promise that this year it will be even more enriching spending time with miniature donkeys at LaValley Equine Sanctuary.

Sometimes I just shake my head at something so simple like stacking wood today, whirled me into this world of promise. How life happens that way and how it makes me smile all the way to my toes.

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