A Tribute to Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog by Linda Cole of Canidae Pet Ownership Blog

The outpouring and caring and tributes continue to bring my heart and soul such comfort.  This is a beautifully written tribute by Linda Cole, freelance writer with Canidae Pet Ownership blog.  I can’t say thank you enough… but thank you so much.

On a side note I made a final visit to Libby’s House today, where Frankie and I were a volunteer therapy dog team for 3.5 years to help the residents find closure after Frankie’s passing.  I had planned to write about it later today, but it got late. It was also all very emotional– healing, but emotional so I’ll write about it tomorrow.  Hope you will enjoy this wonderful tribute from Linda…

A Tribute to Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

by Linda Cole

When you gaze into the eyes of a dog, there’s a goodness and honesty no human can match. Dogs are just so unpretentious, and walk beside us for as long as they can. Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog lived the last six years of her life in a wheelchair. She crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on June, 21, 2012 from Chronic Heart Disease, but this isn’t about the end – it’s about the amazing life of a little dog who never gave up. I spoke recently with Frankie’s mom, Barbara Techel, to learn more about the little Dachshund who stole the hearts of thousands of people she met. You see, Francesca was a therapy dog who used her disability and spirit to teach others, including Barb, about life and why it’s important to savor every moment we have on earth, and never give up.

Read the rest of the tribute here…