An Awesome YouTube Video!

Check it out below.  I found this through a newsletter from

I truly believe animals are here on earth to teach us valuable lessons to life.  This video and the story behind it demonstrate it so well.  I needed a tissue… you might too.  🙂


The story behind it (and this could be an urban legend, but it
looked real to us), a homeless man in Santa Barbara had a cat and
dog for his family. He would walk one of the streets everyday,
looking for donations.

To prevent his cat from having to walk too much, the man made a
harness that enabled the cat to ride on top of the dog. Then a white
rat decided to get into the act. The rat started riding on top of
the cat. As the dog, cat, rat, and homeless man go for a stroll,
it is a sight to behold.

The video is hilarious but also has a serious point. If only the
human kingdom could get along as well as these different species
in the animal kingdom that aren’t supposed to be able to tolerate
each other.

What do you think? Are there animals you have seen who demonstrate
what it means to live together peacefully in spite of differences?