Animals Can Be Sneaky!

animals can be sneaky

This morning when I looked out my bedroom patio doors, I noticed that what started out as a square block of suet a few days ago, now appeared to be in the shape of a rabbit.

I wondered if perhaps the Woodpeckers that feed from it daily are sculptors? After all, we are all artists in our own way aren’t we?

But I love being open to how animals can appear to us. It does not always have to be in the form of the “real” animal in order to gain wisdom from them.

In fact, just like I believe in humans in spirit when on the other side, who can have fun playing with us, and a sense of humor, I think this of animals, too.

Right now I’m teaching an online class with author and animal communicator, Dawn Brunke, sharing with others how you can not only invoke animal guides, but how to be open to the signs of how animals show up in your life. We are having great fun and it’s exciting to see and hear what is coming up for those in our class.

Seeing the rabbit shaped suet I also thought about the morning last year when doing my yoga practice, standing in tree pose, and gazing out the window that a section of bark on a tree was in the shape of an owl. But the next day I didn’t see it.

I don’t think I’m crazy for seeing these things — though years ago I’d have dismissed it. Now I enjoy paying attention and giving thought to why these things occur.  There are messages and teachings in it!

As for the rabbit shaped suet, I thought about what it was I was just thinking about before I looked out the patio door. I’d been thinking about how excited I am about so many good things in my life right now.

And sometimes when that happens, I feel this rush come over me, and that time is going to be too short on this planet for me to do all I yet want to do. I don’t feel sad that I know I won’t likely get to everthing, but rather, that there are so many possibilities — and I look so forward to getting up every day — there is joy in being filled with all this wonder.

After I gave that thought I turned to the Animal Wisdom Tarot card deck to see if it provided any confirmation.  It said, rabbits keynote is: magic, wonder, reflection, insight and inspiration. And message of rabbit? “Be open to mystical marvels, but keep an eye on your path.”

Well! I’d say this was all right in line with where my mind was this morning and why rabbit showed up in a different realm of sorts in the suet. Magic, wonder, reflection and insight absolutely at play.

Now I have goosebumps.

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