Barnheart-the Incurable Longing For a Farm Of One’s Own


I enjoyed every page and every moment of this new book by Jenna Woginrich. So maybe some of you thinking, gee Barb, are you thinking about moving to a farm? By all means, no (though I’d love some donkeys and chickens)! But I what I loved about this book is that at Jenna’s young age (early/mid twenties) she knows what she wants for her life. And she was determined to get and have a farm. And she did. And she did it again when she lost the farm she was renting. Her determination and spirit is something for all of us to aspire to.

After reading this book I believe it is young farmer’s like Jenna who will bring farming back in their own, new and rejuvenating way.

Jenna’s authenticity and humor come shining through, as well as the hard work she pours into her quanitfarm that is at the heart of who she is.

Through the ups and downs and the very real threat of losing what is most precious to her, her farm, Jenna believes with all her heart that if this is the life she is meant to live, she will be looked after and all will fall into place- no matter what obstacles.

Jenna, a girl living her own truth is a girl after my own heart. Bravo, Jenna.

Order Jenna’s book today for a quick, inspiring and delightful read!