Book Launch a Success and Upcoming Radio Interview


I  can’t even begin to describe adequately what the last few weeks have felt like. At times floating on a cloud, then feeling surreal, to soaking in all the glorious moments.

Last night I had my book launch at the Plymouth Arts Center.  Photo album posted on Facebook  if you’d like to see the wonderful turn out. As I said on Facebook earlier in the day yesterday, “an accumulation of minutes, hours, days, months and years… but most of all moments that bring me to this day.”

The night went so fast!   As I did my reading from part of Chapter 20 which is about “The Gift of Jackson”  I felt Frankie make herself known strong in my heart as I read the last line of that section of the chapter, “Thank you, Frankie. I love you so much.”  As I looked out into the audience I saw many tears in other’s eyes as well… and I knew in that moment Frankie’s spirit will live forever.

Joie had me nervous as we set up as she was on my heels carrying on and on. Oh dear.  But then as the night settled in, she rested comfortably by John. She was the perfect angel. I was so proud of how well she handled so many people petting and admiring her.  A small stirring whirled in my heart for hope of her being a therapy dog someday.

Though it feels like an ending after sending out close to 350 copies of my book as special editions and now my book launch complete, I remind myself it truly is jut the beginning. So many new hearts I hope my book will find its way to as the days and months move forward.

Now begins my Joyful Paws Jaunt on line tour and I’ll be sharing weekly stops I’ll be making on different blogs and a few radio shows, so stay tuned!  First stop is The Biz Connection  radio show which airs tomorrow at 11:00am CST (click on the old time looking radio on the top right hand side to listen live). I’ll be talking about writing, publishing, and inspiration.  Hope you can catch the show!
