Calming the Restless Butterflies


The butterflies are restless today. They decided to take up residence the moment I awoke this morning. Fluttering about madly in my stomach.

I could fight back or try to soothe them. So I did my yoga practice with extra deep breathing. I also asked for guidance to do the very best job I can.

Tonight is the first in a three part series workshop I am teaching on Self-Publishing. I’ve never taught a class like this before — but I’ve certainly been through it with publishing my own children’s books and memoir.

I remember clearly trying to swim through the endless sea of information on this subject myself. Having spent countless hours and many e-courses I took on the subject. There is so much to learn.

While I think the workshop will get the participants off on the right foot, I hope it will also help them set a foundation for what is ahead. The publishing world continues to change and keeping up is a job in itself. But the rewards are great.

Most of all I want to encourage them to tell their stories and get their book out into the world. While I don’t know yet if and when I’ll have another book in me to write, I do know that the books I have written have changed my life for the better. I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to do so.

And so it is with my first session of talking self-publishing tonight. I step out once again, out of that zone of comfort, hoping I can make a difference in encouraging others to do the same.

And if the butterflies want to come along for the ride, well then, so be it. But I have a feeling once I get into talking tonight they will flutter off to sleep and all will be well.