Come Meet Sadie. 34th Recipient of a Dog Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

sadieThis past summer at a fundraiser for a local horse sanctuary, I met this beautiful dog named Sadie.

I would learn that she came from Kentucky two years earlier where she had given birth to puppies and was then shot in the head and the back, and left for dead.

It’s a gut wrenching story and pulled hard at my heart strings. My mind not able to wrap itself around why someone would do this.

The shot to her back is what paralyzed her and the bullet is still lodged in her spine. To remove it is too dangerous. But the bullet from her head was successfully removed.

She can hobble around, but also is pulled around in a wagon type device when she tires.

I wanted to see if I could help and asked if the owner, Joal, had tried a wheelchair for her and I told her about Eddie’s Wheels. She shared with me that a wheelchair had been donated from another company, but Sadie wouldn’t even stand up in it.

Because it wasn’t a custom-fitted wheelchair that was donated at the time, I felt perhaps a custom wheelchair may help Sadie. I told Joal about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and said I thought it was worth a try. She agreed and was grateful for the help.

Joal has given all the best care to Sadie and Sadie has a great vet and physical therapist that is helping her. She is taking slow to the wheelchair, but I hope in time, it will become second nature for her.

While most dogs that need a wheelchair take to it almost immediately, some need more time and help. Such is the case with Sadie. But we aren’t giving up hope.

As long as she is willing to try, and that seems to be the case, then I’m so glad she has a wonderful team of people doing all they can to hopefully get her rolling soon.

To learn more about Sadie and follow along with her story, you can visit her on her Facebook page.

***Wheelchair I recommend and work with for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund is Eddie’s Wheels.

Learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

You can learn more on our website, National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day where you can apply for funds or donate.