Coming Back as a Dog

best buddies sI notice that when I don’t want to deal with uncomfortable feelings or a challenging situation that I often times find myself thinking and saying this one thing over and over. “I wish I were a dog. I wish I were a dog.”

Next thing I’ll think is, “Well, at least I want to come back as a dog in my next life.” Of course, I want to be in a home where they will spoil me rotten. Much like the home of mine where my dog’s are given lots of love everyday.

But then I also realize once again how I’m being reminded to take my cue from them. When life feels uncomfortable or stressful, it’s time to chill out and give thought to all the blessings I do have. Dog’s don’t get caught up in all the negative. They find joy right here and right now.

They  don’t worry about the next day or for that matter, the next minute. Unless, of course, if you are Gidget, and you can read a clock and you just happen to know when dinner time is. Then that is all she thinks or cares about until she is fed.

But really, when you take the time to pause, sit in the presence of your pets, and really pay attention to what is is they are exuding, well, it truly is difficult to feel anything but happy and positive.

So maybe I’d still like to come back as a dog—to help humans around me see appreciate what life is really about. That would be cool. So I guess for now, I best keep paying attention and learning all I can from them for the next phase of my life in another realm someday.

So thank you Gidget and Kylie for being such inspiring teachers and showing me without words what matters. You are my two of my greatest gifts.