
There have been some amazing connections to others since Frankie’s book has been published.  These stories touch my heart in a way which is hard for me to explain in words.

This is Frank (the one in the picture with the colorful hat).  He recently wrote to me after a friend forwarded the press release to him that was in the Sheboygan Press about my book.  He shared with me that is has inoperable cancer.  This lead him to a career change and he works for the WI Dept. of Agricultural Dept.  On his “rounds” he has met some inspiring friends who have helped lift his spirits.  His friends, of course, are some amazing dogs of all breeds.  I believe without any doubt that animals can sense our emotions and bring smiles to our faces and our hearts by simply being who they are in the moment.  Frank has realized this and has a collection of some beautiful dog pictures which he lovingly calls, “Frank’s Friends.”  Frankie, Kylie (my yellow lab) and I are honored to now be counted among Frank’s friends.  Frank attended my recent book launch and I was so honored to have met him and consider him now a dear friend.

Another wonderful lady in the audience was the lady of a friend I used to work with years ago at Ponderosa.  Her daughter also has cancer and currently is not doing well.  Through her pain and sorrow she found the strength to attend my book launch and shared the most beautiful poem with me, which I asked if I could share with the audience at the book launch and I now share with you.  Please hold her and her daughter in your prayers.  Her poem is exquisitely said and I was so honored she shared this with me:

To Frankie and her two legged and four legged friends:

God gave this set of wheels to me to teach a lesson for all to see,

Do not judge others how we look, or how we speak, or what we do, because in a minute this could be you.

My eyes are shining, my heart is pure, thought I might look strange to you, It’s not what you see, but who we are, how we help others, how we do,

Remember, inside, it’s still me, it’s still you.

Show your love that brings a smile, or maybe a tear, to God above,

Do your best, He will take care of the rest.

-Nancy Lorenz

Frank and Nancy inspire me to continue to share Frankie’s story…. knowing we will touch many lives in a positive way…. and that is a beautiful thing.