Do Our Pets Send Us Messages?


I met Jayne a few years ago when I did therapy dog work with Frankie at our local hospice community. Her black standard poodle, Magic, fell in love with Frankie. Magic and Jayne were quite the striking duo and Jayne taught Magic to dance. It was beautiful to watch.

A year or so ago (I believe) Jayne brought Merci into her life. Seven weeks ago, Magic unexpectedly passed away.  When she emailed me with the news I called her immediately. We talked for a long time.

Jayne is single and lives alone. Her Magic was now gone. Yes, she has Merci, but she and Magic had a special bond.

A few days ago I heard from her. She is still struggling with the passing of Magic.

She said, “Magic made everything easy for me. He was confident and followed my lead. Merci is different. She is timid and lacks confidence.”

I could tell by her thoughts that she was really missing Magic and she didn’t know how Merci would ever be like him, realizing that she won’t. She knows she has to accept this.

I could very much relate to everything Jayne shared as I went through all of this with the loss of Frankie. Joie is different and I’ve had to move through that for myself, which has not been easy at times.

The one thing I suggested to Jayne was to talk to Merci. Actually talk to her out loud. This was suggested to me about two months ago from animal communicator, Dawn that I worked with in regards to Joie and what I was struggling with. I told Joie that yes, I miss Frankie. But that does not mean I don’t love her.  I told her I am trying and would continue to do all I could to help develop our own unique and special relationship.

I also realize now not ever having adopted a dog and this being Joie’s third home, that she had her own insecurities and likely trust issues.  Was I going to also give her away could have very likely been a concern of hers.  I told her she is here to stay. I’ll never give her away. I love her and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure this will always be her home.

It may sound silly, but yet so simple. Jayne gave it a try with Merci and this is what she wrote back to me:

“I think Frankie and Magic are sending us a both a message!  As I have been typing to you this morning, Merci has been quietly laying behind my desk. When I went to talk to her, as you suggested, I looked at her and started to cry. She rarely plays with any toys. They are all in a basket in my office as Magic liked to occasionally play with toys. I saw she had quietly pulled a toy from the basket and was sleeping with it in her bed. The toy…a dachshund toy with a Santa hat…that Magic used to love to carry around. I told him that toy was Frankie and he always acted like he knew exactly what I meant. How fitting that Merci would pick that toy out of a basket of 30+ toys to cuddle with as we corresponded today about our lost loves.”

I’m left with no doubt that our pets communicate with us whether they are here in physical form or not. I know for me, since talking with Joie (and I continue to do so), I feel a wonderful shift in our relationship. We are learning to ebb and flow with each other. Yes, it’s in a different way than I had with Frankie.  But she is Joie. A sweet dog who loves me unconditionally and has stood by trusting we will find our way together.

I’m pretty sure that Jayne and Merci will also find their way together and it won’t be like Magic. But there will be magic, mystery, and love in all the new things and experiences she and Merci will have.

Note:  Thank you, Jayne, and Merci, of course, for allowing me to share part of our correspondence.  I feel honored to have been a part of this sweet, amazing experience.