Embrace Change

It is not often that I will re-read a book I’ve already read.  In fact, I think maybe I might have done it once before, but that would be it. For some reason A Walk by the Sea and The Second Journey, both by Joan Anderson called me back to read both of them.  I kept trying to shake the feeling, thinking, na, I read those already.  But it wouldn’t leave my mind, so I “gave in” and read both books in the past two weeks.

When I began delving into searching for what I wanted in life about 5-years ago I ran across Joan’s books.  I remember reading them and never wanting them to end.  Joan set out on a journey to figure out what she wanted, not knowing what it would be or what would happen.  She set out for her cottage on Cape Cod for a whole year to herself… and yes, without her husband. She learned alot about herself that year, and continues to learn.

I’m so glad I went back and read these two books because it reminded me that we can choose a path, and that path may change, and that is okay.  To not be afraid of change.  To embrace it.  I have learned more about change through my dogs than anything, but books like Joan’s help me to read it in words and from another woman’s point of view.  I had been struggling recently with letting go of some things that I felt were not serving my purpose and my mission and trying not to feel guilty as I made those changes. As I finished reading The Second Journey, Joan ended with these thoughts below in her book, which brought it all full circle for me about embracing change once again.  I was especially struck by the line, “Strive to go deeper, rather than forward” as that what seems so appealing to me right now…to go deeper.  And when we let go of what is not serving us any longer, it is fun to watch what we allow to then come in.

Embrace change- knowing that life is always being reconfigured.

Befriend the person you are striving to become.

Welcome new paths.  Enjoy the detours.

Strive to go deeper rather than just forward

Know that most unnecessary demands come from the unfinished parts of self.

Beware of speed.  It is often one’s undoing.

Wholehearted is the way.  Half-hearted will kill you.

Harness your evolvement.    Let god of what is outlived to make room for the unlived.

-Joan Anderson, The Second Journey