Filling Our Buckets

I’m sure you have heard of a bucket list, right?  Your list of things to do before you kick the bucket.

Well, recently I was contacted by a teacher in Wisconsin and a huge part of what they will be teaching this year is how to fill other people’s buckets in order to fill your own.  When she came across Frankie and me and our lessons we teach, she asked if we would be part of their bucket teachings this year.  We are in the planning stages of having Frankie as the grand finale this spring to drive home the valuable lessons of filling others buckets…. and it is going to be so much fun!!

As a volunteer therapy dog team with Frankie I can’t tell you how often my bucket is filled to the brim every time we visit the hospital, elderly or hospice.  Many times it is beyond words for me to describe because it leaves my heart so full of joy.

Frankie visiting with a sweet, elderly woman.  How can this not fill your bucket?

So today when I ran across this quote, I could not believe how perfect it was!  I immediately sent it off to the teacher in Wisconsin and now share with you:

We all have an invisible bucket
And that is a great way to picture our feelings.
When our bucket is full we are having positive feelings
 …Joyful, happy, …grateful.
When our buckets are empty we might be sad or angry
…Or any of these negative feelings.
We can choose to be a bucket filler or a bucket dipper.
A bucket filler helps make other people feel good
By the things we do and say;
A bucket dipper does just the opposite.
The best way to keep our bucket full,
Is to fill other people’s buckets.
 …We are in charge of our buckets, all the time.

~Stacey Lundgren

So how do you fill your bucket?  I’d love to hear!!