Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dogs Special Impact on a Deaf Boy

I’m always so grateful to people who take the time to share with me the impact Frankie and the books I wrote about her have had on them and their children. Today I received this wonderful email from Stacey Blecher in Creame Ridge,NJ. As you can imagine I was very touched. She kindly gave me permission to share her email.

My son, Hayden Blecher (10), Newell Elementary School, Allentown, NJ, just enjoyed a SKYPE visit from you and Frankie last week – as well as an autographed book.  Hayden brought the book home and talked up a storm about Frankie being a girl and so cute and needing help to walk.  Probably a conversation held in many households of Newell 4th graders that night, but my son is profoundly deaf and hears with the assistance of cochlear implants.  The parallels to Frankie weren’t lost on either of us – and I admittedly bawled like a baby when I quickly read the book my son was so excited about receiving.  Truly one of the most inspiring children’s books I have ever read!  Having a special needs child, many people say that these children find their way to the “right” parents that will love and care for them with all their beings.  I thought of that several times as I read your book – Frankie found her way to the parents that do indeed love and care for her with all their beings.  So I just wanted to thank you for authoring such a wonderful book, being such a wonderful mom to Frankie and sharing your story with my son and others who will value most from Frankie’s message!!!  ~Stacey Blecher

To learn more about the Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog book series, click here.

To learn more about having Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog visit your classroom via Skype or in person (in WI) click here.