Frankie Wins “Bone Jovi” T-shirt from Psychedelic Fur!

Don’t you just love to win free stuff??!!?  I am an avid follower of Who’s Your Dachshund and they often have give-aways and contests… and that is how I won this T-shirt for Frankie from Psychedelic Fur.  So not only does Frankie roll, she now ROCKS!

Here is some more about this great company, so be and sure to visit their website and get your dog a shirt to rock and roll in!

PSYCHEDELIC FUR was launched in New York in 2005 by music industry executive and passionate dog lover, Lori Lambert, when she adopted her Havanese puppy, Louie. Unsatisfied with the merchandise she saw in the shops, Lori decided to create her own. Her true love for music, rock ‘n’ roll and (of course) dogs morphed into Psychedelic Fur!

In June 2008, Los Angeles-based Teri Hertz partnered with Lori to launch their “official” line of paw-litical tees and bandanas. products drew national and international media raves featuring specially designed campaign items for Bark Obama and McCanine.

PSYCHEDELIC FUR has been featured on The CBS Morning Show, The Style Network, New York’s WPIX-TV CW 11 News, Us Magazine, People Magazine, The Martha Stewart Show, the Associated Press, Home Shopping Network, New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, and Perez

Partial proceeds from all PSYCHEDELIC FUR sales are donated to a rotating list of local and national animal shelters.