Garden Awakening and Hope Dances

Garden Awakening and Hope Dances

As I sit at my desk in my writing cottage the soft blue sky has just a few wispy clouds that slowly float on by. It’s a brisk one out there this morning in the lower 30s.  But there is a flurry of activity with clear indications that spring is truly on the way.

Little yellow finch seems to have found a small patch of open water in the frozen make shift bird bath. While Ms. Sparrow is more than likely keeping a close guard over new eggs laid, while at the same time curious about all the buzz outside.


Next door, a landscape crew, decked out in winter headbands, gloves, and heavy jackets puts down fresh topsoil on the neighbors garden.

I’m dreaming of our own new landscaping that hopefully will begin too in the upcoming weeks. After living here for over 25 years and not care taking the gardens all that well, it’s time for a fresh start.

This time I’m hoping the garden bug will bite me a little harder and I’ll be better at the up keeping. Though as we planned our landscaping with the landscaper company in the bitter cold of winter, I did ask for it to be as maintenance free as a garden can be.

And so that is the view out my writing cottage this morning — a fresh start for all creatures, great and small. Hope dances outside my windows.

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