Goodbye to Izzy- The Hospice Therapy Dog Who Inspired Me


News came this week that Izzy, dog to best selling author, Jon Katz (and who happens to be my favorite author) has a fast growing cancer. He is being laid to rest today. I cried reading the news.

Izzy was a wonderful dog to many patients in hospice, along with Jon’s other dog, Lenore, a black Lab. Jon wrote about their experiences in his book, “Izzy and Lenore: Two Dogs, a Journey and Me.” He also blogged often about their work and I was often moved to tears. It was because of their work that I began to give thought to having a therapy dog and visiting hospice.

I was initially nervous about hospice work- afraid to see people who are dying. But Jon’s accounts of the lives Izzy and Lenore were touching had a profound affect on me. Though I was still scared, I’m glad I finally gave it a try- I’ll never be the same again.  As most of you know since I’ve wrote about it before, hospice work with Frankie has been so very rewarding.  And I have Izzy to thank.

Though I’m sad for the loss of Izzy and my heart feels heavy for Jon and Maria, I also feel happiness for all that Izzy not only taught me, but so many people around the world. He will never be forgotten. Jon wrote a post about Izzy today called “Spirit Dog: A Million Sunsets” and at the end he said, “You are a spirit dog, and spirit dogs never really die, do they?”  No Jon, I don’t believe that spirit dogs ever die, but live on in our hearts forever.  I know Izzy will live on in the hearts of many for a very long time to come.

In honor of Izzy the independent bookstore in Jon’s area, Battenkill Books is selling copies of John’s book “Izzy and Lenore” and proceeds will go to hospice. Jon will also sign each book as you wish. I’ve already ordered a copy for the hospice facility Frankie and I volunteer at and will be proud to present it to them along with a donation in honor of Izzy.  If you wish to order a copy of his book please visit

Goodbye Sweet Izzy….