Have You Hugged Your Animal Friend Today?

The American Humane Society www.americanhumane.org announces “Be Kind to Animals” the Week of May 6-12.  This is the oldest event the nation celebrates regarding the companionship, love and friendship that animals bring to our lives.

I think it is beautiful they call attention to all that animals bring to our lives. I also appreciate the fact there is a week dedicated to this awareness.  Though, I believe we should be aware of it on a daily basis.  So, have you hugged your animal friend today?  By doing so, studies show you can actually reduce stress.  By reducing your stress levels your body will thank you with reducing your chances of disease and illness.

Frankie and Kylie make me smile and bring at least one moment of laughter to me each day.  Dani, my cat, brings to me a sense of peace and helps me to slow down when I find myself rushing frantically through my day.

Frankie being in a cart for dogs inspires me daily giving me courage and reminding me I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

Kylie, my young lab reminds me to not sweat the small stuff and to lighten up about things.

The least I can do for them is giving them a hug each day for simply being positive reinforcements in my life.  When I give them each a hug, being in that moment, it’s as if the outside world spins away.  And in that moment I know I will always be safe, I will always be loved and I will always have a friend.

Thank you Kylie, Frankie and Dani and all the others that have passed on in my life, for all the unconditional love you have given me.  I am stronger and more loving because of each of you.

PS:  If you don’t have an animal in your life hug your neighbors dog or cat or spend some time at a zoo relishing in all the creatures God created.