Hello. My Name is Barbara Techel and I Am…

2013-11-24 08.48.53 1200Gidget “helping” with getting bedding ready for washing

Hello. My name is Barbara Techel and I am… addicted to Dachshunds.  There, I admit it. I’ve come clean. My secret is out!  Did I just hear a collective gasp?

This is an addiction I must confess though that I have no plans of quitting. They are my drug of choice. I’ll deal with the consequences.

Gidget is the first thing I reach for each morning. Before I even get out of bed, I am thinking about her.

I reach for her and she is always there. Happy to see me.  Happy to be my friend.

She never lets me down (even when she poops on me!). I love her no matter what.

I can’t get enough of that sweet face. I look, look, and look again. Often distracting me from my work (or should I say inspiring my work?). I stare at her as if she is the cutest thing that has ever graced this earth (well, she is, isn’t she?).  I’ve got myself quite convinced of this!

I’m addicted to taking photos of her, even when they begin to all look alike!  Stop the madness I hear inside my head. But I just can’t help myself.

I think of her the minute I awake and dread putting her to bed at night knowing I do have to get some sleep.  Eight hours seems so far away before I can snuggle with her again.

I’m addicted. No question about it. I’m happy to scream it out to the world. I LOVE dachshunds!

If you are addicted to dachshunds… welcome to my world. So happy you are here.