If Today Was My Last Day on Earth

If Today Was My Last Day on Earth

If today was the last day on earth where would you want to be?

I’ve heard that question on and off over the years. I thought about it again today.

And this is exactly where I’d want to spend my last day. Right here at home, on my deck with my Prince Charming, Kylie and Gidget. This is, without a doubt, my happy place – my sanctuary.

When I got up this morning, I opened up the patio doors and could here the birds singing. Summer is in full swing and it is absolutely glorious.

My heart burst with contentment and joy as I thought about how much I love my life. And it’s truly all the simple things that make my heart sing.

Flowers blooming, birds chirping, Kylie and Gidget snuggled in their favorite spots, the quietness of the morning, the hum of a lawnmower in the distance, birds splashing in the bird bath, the smell of fresh air.

Life is good.

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