
Today I was once again listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer as I was on my morning walk, which I download from and listen to on my ipod.  A woman who called in was asking for help in manifesting healing for herself.  She is in a wheelchair from a spinal injury.

Dr. Dyer does not necessarily believe in healing and his insight was interesting.  We can be so focused on what we think the outcome should be that we may miss out on the blessing from something that has happened to us in our lives.  I couldn’t help but go back in my mind to when Frankie was first hurt.  Interestingly enough, this is when I also was just discovering Dr. Dyer.  Each morning as I did physical therapy for Frankie I would listen via my computer to Dr. Dyer’s show.  His wisdom got me through some tough emotions and helped me to accept what was happening to Frankie and me.

I remember wanting to do everything I could to help Frankie walk again even though the odds were only about 30% chance that she would walk again.  I intensely read all I could on disc disease looking for ways I could help her "heal."  After three months of all this intensity and wishing with all my might she would walk again, I was exhausted and frustrated.  A time came when I felt sorry for myself and asking why this was happening.  But listening to Dr. Dyer helped me to see that this was the path I chose before I got here.  There was a blessing in why this was happening.  I had to understand and see that.  Once I accepted this my life became easier.  It was an amazing transformation and I felt so much more peaceful.  I accepted that this was what God wanted for me in my life, that I was to take care of Frankie.  That I could make a difference by teaching others about compassion towards animals with challenges and also teach kids about challenges just by being an example with Frankie.  Wow.

Another thing Dr. Dyer says really struck me one day.  For quite some time I had been struggling to find my purpose.  Why was I here?  What was I meant to do?  Then one day I heard Dr. Dyer say, "I don’t believe you ever find your purpose, but your purpose finds you."  Tears instantly sprang to my eyes and my heart did a somersault.  He was right!  I could feel it like electricity all the way through my toes!

So often we struggle with what we think our life should look like, when all along we have been put here for a very specific reason… we have to somehow find a way to be open to that and let it happen because when we do our lives will flood with more peace and joy.  I know for me personally, accepting my fate with Frankie, as it is, has been one of my biggest blessings and the blessings continue to reveal themselves as I continue to be open to it.  No, it is not always easy and I am in constant practice of this, but listening to Dr. Dyer again helped me to see that.