Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities: Share the Inspiration!

I love what Eric Melvin, an author in Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities” has to say which was inspired by his dog Angelyne who is deaf:

“The D word: Many people use the word disability to describe you and me. Some things we do well, and some things we don’t, but it’s not because we don’t try. There are many words that start with D that better describe us:  Daring, Driven, Dedicated, Determined, Diligent, Dauntless, Dashing, Dapper, Delightful, Devoted, Dignified, Dynamic, Dandy: We’re not disabled. We’re uniquely-abled, and we can do amazing things.”

DisabilitiesI shared my review of this new book on Amazon today. Of course, I am a bit biased I suppose since my story about Joie is also featured. But more importantly I really want others to read these stories.  You know why?  Because it is my hope that others will be inspired and will then take action and consider adopting a special needs pet.

My life changed for the better when my first dachshund, Frankie became paralyzed. While I  thought it was a tragedy at the time, I’m so glad I gave her a chance. She in turn changed me and I became a better human being. This led me to knowing in my heart that my next dog would have to be another dachshund with IVDD and one who was in need of a wheelchair.

While my compassion and understanding of special needs pets grew deeper because of Frankie, and now Joie, I also became a better human being toward my fellow mankind. Even if bringing a special needs pet into your life is not what you can do, just reading the stories will likely inspire you. If you then encourage others to read them also, this may lead to those who can bring these animals into their lives.  How cool would that be?

I also can’t help but think of what Eric shared with all the words that do begin with D to describe special needs pets – but they also describe people.  Not only people with special needs, but all of us. We all have challenges of one kind or another. Some seen and some not. If pets with special needs can look past their special challenges, then we can too. These stories will encourage you to look for all the good you do have, and then encourage others to do the same.

Animals and the lessons they teach we mere mortals–it will always fascinate and intrigue me.

You can order Volume I as well as Volume II is now available too.  Please also do consider with your purchase of having the portion of the sale donated to Red Flyer organization which helps special needs pets.

A big congratulations to my friend, Abby and her wheelchair-bound dachshund, Sophie who is featured in Volume II!!

Note:  all authors who contributed stories for these books did not receive a fee. They all are passionate about bringing positive awareness to these amazing animals and helping those that are in need of new homes.