Interesting Perspective

If you would like to view photo’s taken at the book event I did last week Sunday, feel free to click this link:

There is an interesting comment from a woman not from the United States on one of the photo’s.  She said that it is "very American" and "I cannot imagine people here doing all the theater about a dog in a wheelchair."  I found it fascinating that she said she did not "get it."  She did not understand all the fuss about a dog in a wheelchair.  That so intrigues me.  It is not that I want there to be such a "fuss" about Frankie, or any other dog in a wheelchair, or any animal for that matter, but what we can learn from animals is what is important to me.  I truly believe God created animals so we could learn from them.  But, then again I am open to that concept and if one has never looked at it that way, I suppose it is hard to grasp.

It made me a bit sad too that the woman may not understand the deep love many of us have for our animals.  I truly believe I am a better person because of my dogs.  It is an interesting perspective at how American’s view their pets verses other countries.  I know I have read and heard many statistics on the amount of money we spend on our family pets.  But to me it boils down to what I have learned from them, which are invaluable life lessons and to me that is priceless.  I would not be who I am today without having had Cassie Jo in my life and now Frankie and Kylie.  So I will always make a fuss over them, because it is what I love to do and what brings pure joy to my heart.  And in return, they love me unconditionally, and I must say that feels amazingly good.