Into the Solstice

20141220_164617Last night I did what I like to do as Christmas day draws nearer and the solstice is just about upon us — and that is to turn off all the lights in my living room, except for candles and holiday lights.

With Gidget snuggled beside me, I listened to Stille Nacht by Mannheim Steamroller and gazed into the candlelight and every now and then would look out into the dark of the night through the patio doors.

I thought about the year that is now almost complete and the new year that lay ahead. My eyes filled with tears for situations I wish were different and for those that are now safely tucked in heaven.

This little ritual feels cleansing to my soul of those things for which I can’t control, but find the courage to look for blessings in each of them.

I silently give thanks for all that is beautiful and good in my life — of which I have so very much to be grateful for.

It is also a reminder of how short we truly have here on earth – truly just a blip in time. A reminder to live as fully as I can from what it is that calls out to my heart.

Those few moments of sitting in the quiet I feel the Spirit of Christmas flood my soul and look forward to the light that will slowly make its way to back to earth as I move through another season of my life.

I “stole” this quote from my friend Dawn’s newsletter as I thought it so perfect for the Solstice…

by David Whyte
“Rest is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be.”Rest is not stasis but the essence of giving and receiving…

“To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we put it right…

“To rest is to fall back… to a different kind of meeting place,
a living, breathing state of natural exchange…”

As always, feel free to leave a comment…