It’s Only Poop!

joie roosting on johns feet650 Before I get into the subject of poop, I first have to explain the above photo.  This past winter there were a few times we found Joie sitting next to the painted rooster screen we have in  the kitchen along the wall.  She actually sounded like a chicken clucking, as she starred at the painted chickens. It struck us quite funny!  Now lately she has come up with a new thing, which is sitting between John’s feet when he sits at the kitchen table. It’s as if she is “perching on her roost”and getting ready to lay an egg!  I’ll keep you posted– should she actually lay an egg, you will be the first to know!  If this happens, boy, will I have a children’s book to write!

Okay, on with the subject of poop. One thing I share in Through Frankie’s Eyes and may have shared here in the past is my interesting challenges with poop. I found one of these little buggers in an interesting place. Many dogs with Interverterbral Disc Disease (IVDD) have no control over this delicate, stinky situation. You either learn to deal with it or the alternative is to drive yourself crazy. I know those that have IVDD dogs are nodding their heads in total agreement– I think I actually hear the nods of your heads!

So I heard back from two people who have IVDD dogs who have read my book, laughing in hysterics when they read my “poop story.” They felt the urgent need to share their’s which I am glad they did– as laughter is so good for the soul.  So I now feel the urge to share them with you. To protect the embarrassment and innocent of those who were brave enough to come forward with these stories I share only their first names.

POOP STORY #1 from Cheryl:

“After reading your story about poop I had to share one of my funnies. I was having a little dinner party at my house. About 8 people were there and we were celebrating a birthday and I was serving beef wellington. I made it twice for my husband that week before the big day arrived so I was sure I could get it right and not be stressed I would screw up the meal. I served red wine and a guest removed the cork on a couple of bottles and we went on with our dinner. There was some wine left in one of the bottles and he was going to try and re-cork the bottle. He looked around for the cork and picked up on the floor of the dimly lit dinning room what he thought was the cork which has been dropped…….a petrified turd……… which he held up to the light to inspect in front of the guests………gulp.”

POOP STORY #2 from Kelly: 

“I don’t think I ever laughed so hard as I did when I read about the little turd you found. I have found such a turd and laughed so hard while trying to tell my husband on the phone. My dachshund has good aim. I guess nothing like walking around your house trying to find the poo smell and no matter where you go, you smell it. Then giving up I put my hands into my robe pocket only to discover exactly why the smell followed me around and I could not find it!” Have a good poop story?  Please do share!  The more laughter the better!

If you didn’t catch me on Dr. Diane Dike’s radio show today, here is the replay!