Joie Getting Closer to Being on the Big Screen

Joie on set of the moviePhoto of Joie taken on the set of the movie, “The Surface.”

Hearing the news today that the film “The Surface” will make it’s debut during the Milwaukee Film Festival I feel a wave of emotion rise from my heart and flow out through my eyes. Tears of joy for the brief, small role Joie will play during a flashback scene – joy to know she is part of a family scene, living a happy life.  See, that’s the thing. Dogs in wheelchairs can live quality lives.

While the movie isn’t about a dog in a wheelchair, it is about (taken from website) “two strangers, both at the end of their rope, who suddenly meet in the middle of the unpredictable waters of Lake Michigan. As they confront the secrets and sorrows that brought them there, they find inspiration in one another’s struggle to survive.”

I was honored to have taken part in this movie with Joie, and that the film is about inspiration and ones will to struggle and survive. Oh, how my wheelie dogs have taught me that!

It is about one of the men who happened to have a dog in a wheelchair at one time in his life and this is when one of the flashbacks occurs.  To me, this speaks highly of character.

The film will first make the film festival tour before heading to the big screen. But stay tuned as I’ll be sure to announce here on my blog when it is in major theaters.

For now, you can view the movie trailer here.