Joie Speaks. What Is All the Fuss About?

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I love how dogs center me. How they remind me what is important. After our big morning on the movie set earlier this week, I’m finding such happiness in my sweet life with Joie (and Kylie and John, of course!). I try to imagine what Joie would say if she could speak about her experience filming a movie.

Joie Speaks:

I love my life.

My naps.

Walks and bike rides with Barb.

Snuggle time.

Play time with that big ball of yellow fur named Kylie.

Hugs and kisses from those that love me.

Movie? What’s a movie?

Oh yeah.  Nice people with headsets. Lots of them.

A guy with  a baseball hat who said my name over and over. Nice guy. Pet me on the head. Loves dogs. Said action alot. What’s action?

I walk through a hallway when Barb was calling my name from another room. Where is she, I wondered?

Nice young girl picks me up, holds me for a few moments. I could feel she cared about me and was careful with me.

Lots of people pet me hanging out in the kitchen.

Treats?  Did someone say treats?

Snuggle time in Barb’s arms. Feeling tired. Barb holds me close, assures me we get to go home soon. I trust her.

Nice guy in baseball hat says action again.

Time to walk around the corner where I see Barb.

She scoops me up in her arms.  Good girl, Joie, she says.

Pose with producer.  He calls me little one. I like that.

Snooze all the way home. Barb keeps telling me how proud she is of me. How much she loves me.

I drift deeper into sleep.

My pink bed and flower blanket welcome me as I snooze beside Barb’s feet in the writing cottage.

Feels good to be home.

What was all the fuss, I wonder?

Little me. To appear big on a screen next year.  Ok.

My hope?

See – look – dogs in a wheelchair can be happy just like me.

Think about adopting one. Give them a chance.

A soft place to lay their head.

Someone to care.

People to love them like I am loved.

People giving dogs in wheelchairs a chance.

Ok. I see.

The fuss is all about loving furry friends with special needs.

I like this.

Making a difference.

Feels good.

And now back to catching some Z’s and then snuggle time with Barb.

Life is good.

**Note:  Some of you have asked if you can get Joie’s “pawtograph” since I’ve shared she will be in a movie.  Just a reminder that you can get her pawtograph which is on a poster I have of her, or I also I have the Joie magnet set w/bookmark. If you’d like either of them personalized please include name to sign poster and/or magnet set to in the “Instructions to Seller” when checking out and I’d be happy to do that. You can order posters and magnets here!  A portion of all sales also benefits The Frankie Wheelchair Fund which helps dogs with mobility issues.