Joyful Progress

Unusually warm fall day.  20 degrees above normal.  What a joyful weekend!  Painted two coats of Harmony Iris on MySpace.calm walls and ceiling.  I am pleased with the transformation.  I could sit and admire it all day.  😉  I could not resist the urge to set up my temporary writing area.  John smiled when he came home to see me making myself at home.  The temptation was just too great to not start moving a few things in.  The room still needs a floor.  That will be installed next weekend.  It will be a pine porch floor and original thoughts were to paint it, but upon more thought we will seal it and put two coats polyurethane on it.  Will feel more like a cottage this way.  I promised I will move my temporary set up as the floor is installed, but to let a whole week go by without the comfort of my transforming space just would leave me frazzled.  I rather like the slow transformation… I am so enjoying each step of the way.

A card table with a slate blue cloth thrown over it, a patchoulli scented candle burning, a fabric pleated lavender shade upon a blue base for my lamp, a floral vase holding my pens, a tiny wicker rose floral arrangement, my journals all sit atop my temporary writing space.  I feel at home… so at home.

Visited with my dear friend Victoria for two days in the middle of last week.  I so admire her knack for decorating.  Her little home is adorable.  Will post on that sometime this week.  But the picture I posted here today is of an angel I found in a little shop with Victoria.  It says Joy on it and I could not help but get it for my MySpace.calm.  Joy is what I was in search of a few years ago, and joy I continually strive for and find when I keep my mind and heart open.  The joy angel hangs in the window and is a symbol that joy can always be mine if I choose it to be.