Kids from Canada Share their Thoughts After Meeting Frankie Via Skype

These are all very wonderful, but I'd have to say my favorite one is the first one and how Ashlea realized to look for the blessing even in hard situations.  Way to go, Ashlea!!  Be sure to check out their fun blog as they will be updating it throughout the school year.

"I really liked when you told us that there is always a blessing in something bad that happens. It was also cool when you showed us how to put Frankie in her wheels." Ashlea Age 9

"I really enjoyed when I got to ask questions! I was very excited when I got to ask my question. Frankie must be a truly happy dog" Amanpreet, Age 9

"Our Skype was so fun! I really like when Frankie put on her life jacket for the bathtub. I also liked her train costume. I really liked learning more about Frankie" Josh, Age 9

~"My favourite part was when we found out what it was like to have a disability. I enjoyed talking to you and Frankie. I really liked the video of her walking. I think she should be in the Olympics." Cassie Age 9

~"Our Skype experience was amazing. I liked learning about Frankie. Frankie looked cute in her costume." Stephanie Age 9

~"I really liked how we got to Skype with you and Frankie. It was a great experience seeing Frankie. Thank you once more for choosing our class. That was very exciting. I loved it!" Jazzie Age 9

~"Our Skype experience was so fun! It was so cool how we learned so much about Frankie!" Dakota Age 9

~"I really enjoyed Skyping with Frankie and Barb. I really liked when Frankie was in the Pet Hall of Fame because I never thought that any kind of pet could actually be in the Pet Hall of Fame! Thank you Barb for skyping. I really really liked it!" Rachel Age 9

~"My class and I loved the picture of Frankie and Kylie cuddled up together. We were amazed by the book you read us!" Brandon Age 8

~"My favourite part was talking to you and Frankie and have a great experience with you. I loved learning about how Frankie got hurt." Aly Age 9