Kylie Speaks: Life with my Wheelchair Dog Pal, Joie

kylie and joie on deck eDear Joie,

If I could really talk so human’s could understand me, this is what I’d say.  But of course, you already understand me because we speak the same language, which is love.

So, little squirt, I must say, you are so dang cute. The minute I saw you I knew we’d be best of friends.

I loved Frankie very much. But you see, Barb was quite nervous and new at having a wheelie dog around a big ol’ bear like me. She was often afraid I’d forget my strength and hurt little Frankie.  She’s come a long way in trusting me. She is so much more relaxed and at ease now. I like that.

This has meant a whole new world for me having you live with us. I get to run along beside you outside in the yard which is one of my favorite things to do. I loved when you first arrived and I got to show you “the way.”

Mouth wrestling with you in bed is really fun too. It’s fun to see you lay on your back with your black belly pointing to the ceiling. I like to pretend I’m tickling you when I sniff your sweet belly.

I hope you know I’m just teasing you when I try to take a toy from you. I think you do. But the fact you are young and love to play has given me a whole new energy that makes my tail go thump, thump, thump.

I love to look out for you in the yard making sure no harm will ever come to you.  Watching you run beside me with your ears flapping in the wind makes me smile.

Best of all, I love when we hang out on the deck together.  You know why?  Cause Barb and John are at their happiest when we all get to be together. Can’t you just feel the love that oozes out all around us?  All of us being together makes my heart swell with happiness.

Oh, little wheelie squirt, such a delight to have you here in our quaint cottagey home. You brought a new love and light to my days. A thousand Lab kisses and wags of my bushy tail will never be enough to show you how very much I love and adore you. But I think you already know.

