Letter from a Frankie Fan Touches My Heart

I have “met” some very amazing people since embarking on my journey with Frankie.  Every day there is a new blessing that reveals itself.  Every time that happens it makes me feel incredibly grateful for the path I am meant to be on.

Luke with his dog Jake

Recently I received a very touching letter from a fellow dachshund lover.  We “dachshund people” are a breed of our own and I consider it an honor to be among these kind people.  Luke sent me the letter below, along with a poem he wrote about his dear Jake who passed away.  It especially struck me coming from a guy- who sometimes are not always so willing to share their feelings, so I was just so touched he shared this with me.  He also gave me permission to share with all of you and hopes his poem may help others.  I have no doubt it will.  Thank you, Luke.

My departed dachshund Jake had a similar story. When he was around 12 years old he ruptured a disc and after a good deal of money he thankfully recovered from surgery. He later became diabetic and eventually died from (I believe) a brain tumor. The last year or more of his life was very tough as he lost the ability to walk and eventually could not stand on his own. I had to carry him outside and hold him up to eat but I did not care. I loved that dog more than life itself and would had done anything for him.

When he passed it was very sad but looking back it was time as he was not enjoying life and was starting to have episodes due to the tumor. God bless you for pointing out to others that back disease does not equal a death sentence.

Poem written by Luke after Jake passed:

Goodbye To A Friend

There is no need to fight, or to hang on another day
Though I am sad to see you go, and I have always dreaded this day

I think back to the days when you were so young and so free,
You loved nothing more than to chase a squirrel up a tree

But the squirrel had no worries, about meeting his end
You were such a gentle soul you would had just made him your friend

But time took it’s toll, and you picked up some gray
The walks were a bit slower, but we made more friends that way

And when you could no longer walk, or no longer stand
I was there as your best friend, to lend you a hand

Now you no longer suffer, nor feel any pain
Goodbye my friend, until we meet again

Jake and Minnie (Luke lost both in the same year)  I like how Luke said, “until we meet again.”  I truly believe we all do meet again… for me personally that is what brings me peace about beloved animals I have had that have passed on.  So I’m sure Luke will see Jake and Minnie again… and how lucky those dogs were to have Luke while here on earth.