Magic is in the Mess

Magic is in the Mess

If you’d rather listen to the audio version of my latest blog post, just click here. So far, I’m really enjoying doing this!

In continuing to be in awareness and in the months that have followed after a personal pivotal healing this year, thanks in part to my attending Oracle School, what I’ve learned through the wisdom of animals and my wise dachshund Gidget, plus many who have been here for me, honoring my journey and supporting me, this is a message I received yesterday…

and from all places, under a dark chocolate piece of Dove candy and written on the foil wrapper that read, The magic is in the mess.

I used to think that being positive all the time (even when I didn’t feel like it) was the way you dealt with challenges and that was where the magic was. Meaning, you just pushed through and smiled, not letting on what you were truly  feeling. Being positive in the face of challenges, after all, was what I learned years before from Frankie, who was my dear dachshund who was paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

But then it was my dachshund Gidget, with special needs of her own, who recently really helped me to understand that in opening to all my feelings during a difficult time with resentment and anger being at the forefront of my emotions, and was something I felt both shame and guilt for feeling. But I had to accept this and work with them. So in reading this quote yesterday it is yet another step of integration for me in that indeed, there is magic in the mess.

Because when we look straight on at our challenges or our fears, we can begin to see them as a sign that we are being called to grow, and as our perspective shifts, we find that when we come out the other side we have more clarity and grace. And might I add the fact that the name of the candy is Dove and Dove symbolizes peace which we also are granted more of when we face our fears and challenges.

It’s in doing what feels so very hard…that when we step fully into all of that difficulty, feeling ALL of what we are experiencing, that we are able to release, integrate, and let go…thus opening a new channel of understanding…and  experience what true magic is.

Magic is both pain and joy, light and dark.

