Magical Moments. I Love When These Happen.

The geraniums may be fading and moving into a different transition for the winter, but that does not mean there isn’t magic in this time of change.

Yesterday on my blog I talked about the fact John and I celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary. I shared how he is my rock and I am his water

He thinks in quite logical ways while I see the world in mystical and synchronistic ways. But there are times he surprises me and this morning was such a time.

As I was getting bundled up to head out on my walk and without any context behind it he said, “That’s why you are Bubbling Brook.” 

At first, I didn’t understand what he was getting at. And then I smiled. “That’s right! And you are Earthwind.” 

Two years ago on one of our first camping trips as we were loading firewood into the back of our van, I said, “We should have camper code names.”  Okay, so don’t ask me why I said this. But sometimes the little girl in me just wants to come out to play!

John thought it was a silly idea at first. But then he saw the disappointment on my face and decided to play along. Now I’m not exactly remembering how it played out, but in the end, he became Earthwind and I became Bubbling Brook. We laughed and laughed!

After my sharing on my blog about how he is my rock and I am his water, he put it together with our camping code names. Could it not have been more perfect? Who’d of thunk that would play out in this way a few years later? Because you see, this is how the universe works and surprises us with these magical moments of which we could not possibly have an explanation. But when it all comes together you just can’t deny there is something bigger guiding us.

And best of all? John had a moment of seeing the world as I do and that just made my heart soar!

And I guess they aren’t “code” names anymore now that I shared this! Ha!



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