Meet Annie: #25 Dog Helped with a Dog Wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

annie eAnnie resides happily at Hotdog Hill Sanctuary in Virginia.  Kim, who runs the sanctuary shared with me that Annie’s previous owner surrendered her to a rescue and the rescue was going to leave her at the pound – which likely meant she would have been euthanized. Kim took in her last year.

Annie came with a wheelchair, but unfortunately it was for the size of a Corgi. After reading a post of Kim’s saying that Annie kept falling out of her wheelchair, I reached out and offered to help with the funds for an Eddie’s Wheels wheelchair so it could be fit exactly to the measurements of Annie.

It wasn’t until today as I prepared to write this post and asked Kim the age of Annie(which she is between 5 and 6 she thinks), that I found out Annie does not have IVDD. Her injuries were caused by human’s hurting her. Kim has to be careful to not approach Annie too quickly to pick her up as it frightens her. She also requires extra gentle care because of her previous life experiences that weren’t good. It made me all the more happy that providing a wheelchair for Annie will help her lead an even better life. And I’m happy that Kim shared that Annie now plays with her which means she is healing and learning to trust again.

Kim said, “You know, it’s funny. Every time I put Annie in her cart, she runs to her bed.” You can see her in a short video here doing just that. It made me chuckle and reminded me of how Frankie and Joie always did this, too. Those doxie’s and their beds!

I sometimes feel odd saying what “number” it is that The Frankie Wheelchair Fund has helped, with Annie being dog #25, because they are so not numbers in my heart, but beautiful, sweet souls. But I’m so honored and proud that I have been able to help this many dogs so far. It’s just one of those things in life that happen that you never see coming. So each time I get the opportunity to help another dog live a better life, it fills me up in ways I can’t find in right words to express.

I continue to be so grateful for those that have contributed to the fund so that I’m able to carry on Frankie’s legacy. If you would like to learn more about the fund please visit the website at National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.