Meet Bam Bam: Another Recipient of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund

bam bam 1Could he be any cuter?  Meet Bam Bam, the newest recipient to receive a wheelchair through the Frankie Wheelchair Fund. This fund, in memory of my wheelie dog, Frankie, provides wheelchairs to dogs with mobility issues. This makes 15 dogs the fund has been able to help thanks to our very generous donors! Thank you also to Eddie’s Wheels for working with us in helping us help these special dogs.

Please help me in sending all the best for Bam Bam and his wonderful mom, Cherice for giving him a wonderful life!

If you’d like to learn how you can contribute to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund or apply for financial assistance for a wheelchair, please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day website.

Bam Bam says, “Have wheels and ball?  Me can run and play!”

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