Meeting Joie for the First Time- General Mitchell Airport, Milwaukee

Joie is adjusting so well to our family.  She is quite the sweetheart and she is blending right in– well, okay, she is kind of the center of attention right now.  But I’m amazed at how comfortable she seems to be.  This makes my heart very happy.  As promised, yesterday I said I’d share photos of us meeting for the first time at the airport on Saturday.  So without further ado….

Oregon Dachshund Rescue (ODR), volunteer Linda took this photo shortly before she and Joie boarded the plane in Seattle, WA for the big airplane ride to WI.

Volunteer, Linda (angel to me!!) carrying my new bundle of joy

Seeing Joie for the first time.  It was quite emotional for me.

Petting Joie for the first time.  Heaven!

Getting to know each other.

Holding Joie for the first time.  My heart and life is once again complete.