Moments I’m Reminded that I AM a Part of God/Spirit/Source

Moments I'm Reminded that I AM a Part of God/Spirit/Source

It’s so easy to see God/Spirit/Source in nature and our animal friends. Not always so easy to see it in ourselves. We can get so caught up in our minds instead of living from our hearts and in our body.

But there are beautiful moments when I’m reminded once again that I too am a part of God/Spirit/Source.

Especially afternoons when the sun is streaming in through the kitchen window. I feel like I catch a glimpse of this essence we can’t see, but can feel if we really tune in.

And I really feel it in moments like this when I see Gidget in the rays of the sunshine as if lit from the inside, out.

It brings me right back to the center of how one should really live in order to experience pure joy. It’s an inside job that will reflect on the outside when we are living from our true essence. Animals live this in every waking moment.

Yesterday I had an amazing experience of working with the spirit of horse at my friend Pam’s horse farm. I’m still simmering in all the gifts of that time before I write about it.

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