Move Over Oscar Mayer Wienermobile!

There is a new wienermobile in town and she is darn cute!

Remember the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile?  It brings up warm childhood memories for me when I think of that crazy vehicle!  When I received this hot dog costume as a gift from my friend Diane, I thought, “Hey!  Because Frankie’s has wheels she could be a version of the Oscar Mayer wienermobile!”  Might have to consider sending a picture of her in her costume to  In my research for a picture of the wienermobile I thought perhaps this vehicle no longer made appearances.  Boy, was I pleasantly surprised!  They still do!  Check it out at  They even still hand out the whistles!!  How cool is that?

The wienermobile can travel up to 90 miles per hour!  Wow, now that is a fast hot dog!  But I must say Frankie can travel awfully fast in her wheels too.  So often people are amazed at how fast she can get around in her wheels.  I think she is even faster now with a set of tires as legs than when her legs worked!

So on this Halloween Day I wish you sweet, fun, happy memories of when you were a kid and how exciting trick or treating was.  Some communities still even offer trick or treating after the sun goes down and to me, that is part of the fun of Halloween!  To be out and about with the goblins and spooks collecting oodles of treats!  Just be aware of a short rolling hotdog that may cross your path!