Move over Paige from Extreme Makeover

Another Sunday spent working on MySpace.calm.  Amazing progress was made!  I now have a better picture in my mind of what my room will look like…so exciting!

To help out in the efforts I got out my pink work boots and pink work gloves… yes, I said pink!  I admire Paige from Extreme Makeover and her statement as a woman in a deemed “man’s world” of construction.  John handed me the screw gun and I proceeded to take 1/2 the deck apart, screw by screw, board by board.  I have muscles in my arms and shoulders I did not realize I had… they spoke loudly to me as I tried to get out of bed this morning.  I also walked each board of the base of the building (called joists) to the back.  John neglected to tell me how heavy each board is, but I managed the challenge.

As I helped with the building process yesterday I was struck by the similarity in writing a book.  You first have an idea, then you come up with a plan, and then you write it (build it).  Building is a strenuous physical process, while writing is a mental process.  But both make me feel a great sense of accomplishment.

After a hard days work, I sat on the back of John’s truck and we had a beer together.  I have always admired John’s strong work ethic, but I now have a new appreciation for what he does.  He takes immense pride in building and remodeling and I’m proud of him for that… and he put up with having a pink “tool time girl” on the job site, so just gotta love him for that!

Stay tuned for more progress to made soon… if all stays on schedule, the JT Construction crew will be coming in on Thursday and the raising of the room will take place.