My Joyful Pause Moments: Weekly Recap.

What were your joyful pause moments this week?  Here are mine!

1924324_10203292171678285_3643091216225265851_nChilling out with Miss G on the front stoop of my house. She is such a contemplative dog!

20140723_123448 eSitting outside on my deck enjoying lunch and perusing this new magazine I recently heard of, “Artful Blogging.”

20140724_083431 eEnjoyed being a part of the Horizons 4 Girls retreat at Tree of Life which is only about 8 miles from my house.

delilahThis is Delilah, a sweet faced dog I met while visiting my friend Cassy at her art studio.

20140726_115600 eFinding this skirt that seemed to be made just for me (and everyone else who loves wiener dogs)!  Found it at our local Farmer’s and Artisan’s Market. These are skirts made from t-shirts.