My Joyful Pause Moments Weekly Recap.

g on bike e 1200This brought me a ton of joy! First time on bike for the season… and test to see if Little G liked the basket… she did! she did!

book review 1200A beautiful book review that had me in joyful tears. I was deeply touched. You can read review here.

honeysuckle 1200The honeysuckle plant I planted last fall right outside my writing cottage is beginning to take off!

IMG_2052 1200Enjoying my new Himalayan salt candle holder from my mom (purifies the air) and the stones I made in a stone making class recently. Great reminders for me.

20140531_133513 1200Afternoon nap with my Gidgie girl.

20140601_125024 1200Enjoying a fruit smoothie on the front stoop of my house.