My “Katie” Tree

A little break from dogs and animals… well, okay sort of.

I visited my friend Katie a few weeks ago.  She has a golden retriever named Rosie and a wiener dog named Clarence.  See, I couldn’t leave dogs out of the blog post.  🙂

Anyways, Katie is a dear soul.  I just adore her.  She plays the most beautiful piano music.  And what is really amazing is she is self-taught.  Check out her music here!

So, Frankie and I visited with her and her dogs and she made us a scrumptious lunch.  On her piano she had the most fun, beautiful, funky tree of sorts.  She said it was her Christmas tree but she hadn’t taken it down yet.  She didn’t need to though, cause it fit the ambiance of who she is so well.  I loved it so much I had to create a “Katie” tree of my own.

Katie and I met because of our love of dogs and writing… so see, this post fits for my blog! Now that I talked about her music I must take a moment to pop in a CD of Katie’s. It is truly beautiful.