My Unconventional Christmas Tree Speaks to Me

2013-12-08 17.00.31 cI haven’t had a “normal” Christmas tree for a few years now.

Years ago I remember visiting a friends home during the holiday who lived by what I call her own heart strings.  On her piano she had a large vase that contained branches that had fallen from tree’s outside her home.  She hung her Christmas ornaments on the branches and strung a string of lights. I loved that tree.

It took me a few years to break away from the tradition of a pine tree. Back then I’d worry, “What would people think if I had a branch tree?” But now that I live by my own heart strings, I do what makes me happy. I took my friends idea and use it as my own now. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

It also always makes me think of her every Christmas. She moved away years ago and this time of year always has me wondering how she is doing.

I love my tree because it brings the indoors in. It also reminds me of how nature inspires me. How it reminds me of all that we have is this moment. Right here, right now.

My tree stays up all year. Once Christmas is done, I’ll re-decorate it for the winter, then spring, summer and fall.

My unconventional Christmas tree is my reminder to continue to be me. Oh special Christmas tree, how I love thee!